Your health & wellbeing matters to you, so it matters to us
What can Business Choice Direct offer you?
Affordable fixed priced policies allowing you to get quick treatment privately and access all the benefits Private Medical Insurance has to offer.
Individual Self-employed PMI
This plan meets the demands and needs of the self employed business owner who want Private Health Insurance and Wellbeing services.
The option of 2 fixed priced policies at either £27 or £39 per month allows you access to a wide range of benefits up to diagnosis and/or including treatment.
Company/Group PMI – It may surprise you that for as little as £7 per month you can have access to a GP, receive support for physiotherapy, access a specialist nurse helpline to discuss any cancer and heart problems and it will even cover the cost of your prescriptions being delivered to your home.
Or for £30 per month, that’s a £1 a day you can access a GP, receive physio support, access the nurse helpline, be referred to a specialist consultant including any tests or scans you may require and have all your treatment.