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Motor Fleet Risk Management

Managing a motor fleet can be exhausting work. Whether your fleet consists of three or more vehicles, managing their collective risk can feel like a thankless task. While you’re addressing one specific risk, different risks can arise which also demand your attention. It is a constant juggling act. However, instead of addressing risks as they […]

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Protect your Future Income

You insure your courier van so why aren’t you insuring ‘you’? As a courier you know that if you have an accident in your van your insurance cover will get it back on the road. But what happens when you’re sick and you can’t get behind the wheel for a few days, or worst-case scenario […]

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Ghost Broking: What you need to know…

If you are offered cheap car or courier insurance, particularly if it is for a high-risk vehicle, that seems “too good to be true”, then chances are – it is! We all like a bargain, especially after the financial impact of the pandemic, but beware. It could end up costing you a lot more than […]

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Using Technology for Fleet Performance and Safety

We touched on using technology in our article on Driver Performance. Here we explore in more detail how technology can support you in running your fleet. As technology has developed, become more intuitive, cheaper (and hence more accessible), it has increasingly been adopted by fleets of vehicles up and down the country. The range of […]

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What is Courier and Goods in Transit cover

What is courier insurance? Most drivers know they need insurance, but do you know exactly what you need? There can often be confusion with the term ‘Courier Insurance’. Some consider it to relate to the vehicle and others, the goods in the vehicle. The reality is that both apply, however, one is legally required and […]

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How to manage your drivers to gain optimum performance

Your fleet is only as good as the drivers behind it, so managing driver performance is key tooptimising productivity, improving safety and customer retention. Here we explore how you canmanage your drivers to gain optimum performance. Recruitment Statistics from Aviva show that almost 33% of all fatalities involve the use of a company vehicle and33% […]

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